Good News! Jericho has approved our Covid-19 Safety Plan, and we are ready to get the sailing season underway.
Know before you go!
Please read the safety plan below prior to your first visit to the club.
Viking Sailing Club – Jericho Sailing Centre Safety Plan
To Sail With the Viking Sailing Club, You Must:
- Comply with all Jericho Sailing Centre (JSCA) and Viking Sailing Club (VSC) rules.
- Stay away from JSCA if you feel sick or have any of the published Covid-19 symptoms (including but not limited to: fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and painful swallowing, stuffy or runny nose, loss of sense of smell, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite).
- Take responsibility for your own health and understand your own risk.
- Wash or sanitize your hands frequently and do not touch your face.
- Respect 2-metre physical distancing with other JSCA users and staff.
- Stay up-to-date and be aware that JSCA and VSC policies may change.
- Be patient and kind with everyone as we navigate these challenges together.
Know Before You Go:
- Review all JSCA rules before arriving at the compound.
- JSCA mandates that everyone must wear a mask within the compound. Have your own mask or be prepared to purchase one (by donation) from JSCA. Non-medical and homemade masks are acceptable.
- VSC advises you to bring a plastic bag to keep your mask dry during your sail, and bring your own pen for use in the VSC club room if desired.
Access to the JSCA Compound:
- For now JSCA is only accessible through the main gate. Entry will be controlled by JSCA staff, who will check for membership cards and masks. Please call ahead if you wish you to use the parking facilities as they remain closed to non-Jericho members.
- JSCA membership card will be required for entry and registration. Your 2019 card will work until you can get it updated for 2020.
- Temporary restroom, changing room, and shower facilities will be available in outdoor areas of the compound.
- JSCA is open only to members and their guests. JSCA requires guests to register upon entry with their name and telephone number.
- JSCA has designated some areas of the compound and main building for one-way circulation only. Please pay attention to signs regulating movement.
- JSCA main office will be accessible by windows on the east exterior wall.
- There are hand washing and hand sanitizer stations placed around the compound. Please use them frequently!
VSC Policies on Using the Club Room:
- Entry to the VSC club room is limited to:
- Two people in the inner locker room.
- Two people in the outer equipment / workshop room.
- Physical distancing of two meters must be maintained in all areas of the club room at all times with people outside your household or COVID social circle.
- If the rooms are at maximum capacity, please wait outside while practicing physical distancing with other JSCA users.
- To ensure accessibility for all, avoid lingering or socializing in the club room. Make visits brief, to prepare for sailing, retrieve equipment, and get changed.
- Always sign in in the clubroom log book on arrival and sign out the boat you are taking out. Use hand sanitizer before and after using sign in books and sheets.
- Cleaning checklists will be posted. Please review and use provided cleaning supplies to disinfect anything that you used or touched in the club room.
- Be mindful of what you touch to reduce surface transmission. Keep in mind that washing hands thoroughly before entering the clubroom and refraining from touching your face helps to reduce surface contamination.
VSC Policies on What to Sail and Who to Sail With:
- You may sail any single-handed vessel (Laser, kayak, SUP) for which you are rated.
- You may sail any multi-person vessel (Tasar, Quest, RS500, Nacra 570) for which you are rated as long as you are with (see FAQ at the end for definitions and details):
- Another member of your household during British Columbia’s Phase 1 (currently scheduled to end on May 19th).
- Another member of your household or COVID social circle during British Columbia’s Phase 2 (currently scheduled to begin on May 19th).
- All VSC rules regarding ratings and guests continue to apply.
Launching Viking Vessels
- Be aware that JSCA compound launch gates will be closed and locked between launches until at least May 25th. VSC will make gate keys available in the club room as soon as possible.
VSC Policies on Cleaning Viking Vessels After Use
- Use provided soap, water, buckets, and scrub brushes to clean all high-touch areas on the vessel before putting everything away. This includes:
- Dolly handle
- Tiller
- Gunwhales and handles
- Paddles
- Booms
- Any other frequently touched areas, except sheets and lines
- Please send feedback on VSC policies to the commodore at and any other members of the executive committee.
Addendum: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- What is British Columbia’s Phase 1?
- According to BC’s Restart Plan, the restrictions and guidelines for managing COVID-19 from March to approximately May 19th are Phase 1. This is the phase of maximum physical distancing and restricted activities that British Columbia has implemented so far. During Phase 1 it is recommended that you do not socialize outside your own household..
- What is British Columbia’s Phase 2?
- This is the upcoming controlled relaxation of certain COVID-19-related restrictions, expected to start on May 19th (although this date is subject to change depending on provincial guidance), wherein British Columbians as a whole transition from an estimated 30% of normal social interaction to 60% of normal social interaction. According to provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, this is the phase in which British Columbians may start to slowly and cautiously expand their social circle. Details about provincial planning and guidelines for transitioning from Phase 1 to Phase 2 are available in BC’s Restart Plan and the BC COVID-19 Go-Forward Management Strategy.
- What is a household member?
- Anyone you live with during the COVID-19 pandemic is a household member. The understanding is that you share risks together on a daily basis and thus do not have to practice physical distancing. You must take your household members’ risks into consideration when assessing the risks of your own activities.
- What is a COVID social circle?
- During BC’s Phase 2, British Columbians are advised to slowly and cautiously expand their social circle, meaning the people with whom they regularly interact. Provincial authorities urge that people keep their social circle small and expand it very slowly and carefully after Phase 2 begins. Everyone is ultimately responsible for determining their own social circle, but they must do so while carefully considering risks to themselves and others, while always isolating themselves when ill or showing any COVID-19 symptoms.