Ahoy there Vikings!
After a two-year pandemic, are you ready to test our courage and fearless Viking mettle? If so, you are in luck; the highlight of the sailing calendar, 2022 Viking Sailpast, is approaching!
We encourage all members to join us to celebrate the 2022 Viking Sailing Club Sailpast on Saturday, June 4th, between 10:30 and 17:00
Sailpast Itinerary
1030: Arrive at the beach and find your crew.
1100: Vice-Commodore safety message.
1130: Set Sail, water cannons at the beach ready.
Noon: Sail past Tyra, starboard tack only salute the Commodore, and collect a shot of champagne from Commodore’s tray
1210: Sail past Tyra, starboard tack only and fire your water pistols, buckets, water pumps, and anything that fires water at the Vikings on the boat (and at any other Vikings in the Sail past fleet)! Also, try to collect more shots of champagne from Tyra at the same time!
1300: Back on shore to put boats away.
1400: Retire back to the hanger for cocktail hour (Please bring cash, coins preferable).
1430: Lunch
1700: Party on at The Galley
- We’ve booked the hanger to have a long communal table in front of the club room. Rain or shine, we’ll enjoy our club lunch
- Lunch fee: $18 per person (early bird discount) / $20 on the day.
- If you’d like to join us for lunch on the day, please confirm your attendance as soon as possible by registering your name, number of your group, and food preference by updating the sheet here no later than May 30th
- Carnivores: Grilled barbecue salmon
- Lacto vegetarian: Eggplant/mushroom dish (Or similar)
- Assortment of crisp, warm, green vegetables
- Crunchy, baked potatoes
- Seasonal vegetables / Salad
- A delicious selection of desserts
- You don’t need to find crew beforehand – choose a boat, and fellow Vikings will sign up too.
- Friends and family are all welcome to join us for lunch!! The more, the merrier.
- We need volunteers to help us with setting up, music, registration, handling the bar, BBQ and clean up – please give back to the club and indicate what volunteering you can help with when you send in the sign-up form.
- If you plan to consume alcohol, we recommend carshare, having a designated driver or using public transport after leaving the event.
- Please advise if you can drive our fellow Vikings to major transit lines and the number of available seats.
- Please attend the mandatory safety message at 11:00 am.
- Although sail past is one of the most colourful highlights of the year, especially after we had to skip it for the last two years, please remember: safety is the utmost priority. Please refrain from damaging any vessel and ensure the safety of your crew at all times.
- Only seniors in training and above are allowed to take the helm.
- Tasers (maximum of 3 people/boat) / Lasers (maximum of 2 people/boat) / Quest (maximum of 4 people)
- Catamaran is not allowed.
- Vikings Sailing Club doesn’t endorse drinking and driving. If you choose to exceed recommended standard drink quantities, please support taxi and car shares to return safely home.
Please let me know if you have any questions via quartermaster@vikingsailingclub.bc.ca
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Sertan Gun